Friday, November 14, 2008

TONIGHT! I'm in Santa Fe! If you're in Santa Fe, you should come!

NATIVE UNDERGROUND 2008Nov. 14 Panel Discussion Features Artists who put Native Traditions on Fast Forward Santa Fe, N.M.— Emerging Native artists who put their cultural traditions on fast forward to create progressive new statements in Native art will share their work and their unique artistic points of view during “Native Underground 2008: Emerging Artists,” a panel discussion at 7 p.m. Friday, November 14, at the Museum of Indian Arts and Culture on Museum Hill. The event is sponsored by Avant Garde, the young members’ group of the Museum of New Mexico Foundation, with support from the Santa Fe Reporter. Admission is free for students and Avant Garde members; $5 for others.

An all-ages reception with refreshments will follow. The panel discussion, moderated by Tony Chavarria, Museum of Indian Arts and Culture Curator of Ethnology, features mixed media artist Rory Erler Wakemup, aerosol artist Jak, jeweler Jacqueline Smith, painter/illustrator Micah Wesley (also known as WereWulf), photographer/emerging film maker Eve-Lauryn LaFountain and memoirist, playwright, poet, scholar, and Indigenous peoples advocate Sara Marie Ortiz. “This group of young artists truly represents the progressive Native art movement of tomorrow,” says Avant Garde Steering Committee Member and Native jeweler David Gaussion. “These artists preserve their traditional values, yet constantly push their work forward.” While the participating artists may be considered as up-and-comers among the Santa Fe art establishment, they represent the cutting edge in the Native art scene. They include:

Mixed media artist Rory Erler Wakemup works in resin, motorcycle parts, and sometimes, toxic materials. His beautiful, highly industrial pieces demonstrate how Earth’s natural elements can endure even after years of toxic treatment by human beings. While his work may not fit stereotypes of Native art, Erler Wakemup believes that anything a Native artist creates is Native art. “If you want stereotypical Indian art (the End of the Trail, or whatever fits in that category) there are plenty of Made in China artifacts you can get for cheap,” he says. Aerosol artist Jak makes his artistic mark with spray cans. The self-described “live artist” is known for his graffiti-style commentaries on contemporary Native life. “I find a wall as another canvas to paint. I enjoy variety,” Jak says. “Not only can a wall be personal, it has the ability to be as public as you want it to be, which creates a larger circle of dialogue and critical analysis.” Jak’s paintings have been exhibited in Santa Fe, Denver and Point Arena, California.

Jeweler Jacqueline Smith, a senior at the Institute of American Indian Arts, creates jewelry that combines organic, cast elements like seedpods or cedar pieces with such smooth, shiny materials as black pearls or synthetic diamonds. She uses a wide variety of metals in her work to explore various finishes and colors. Painter Micah “WereWulf” Wesley’s influences run the gamut from pop culture icons to graffiti. The self-described “lowbrow” artist has exhibited his work in at least 15 shows and currently has work at Pop Gallery in Santa Fe.

Photographer/Filmmaker Eve-Lauryn LaFountain recently moved to LA after participating in the Disney/ABC Television and Film Workshop at IAIA. She returns to Santa Fe to talk about her photography, for which she has already won many awards (including most recently at the Santa Fe Indian Market) and her latest film Lumbini Park, which will screen at this year's American Indian Film Festival.

Memoirist, playwright, poet, scholar and Indigenous peoples advocate Sara Marie Ortiz of Acoma Pueblo is a 2006 graduate of the Institute of American Indian Arts who currently is pursuing her MFA in creative writing at Antioch University Los Angeles. She is the recipient of several literary awards, among them the Truman Capote literary fellowship. Among her published works of creative nonfiction is the Creation Story, published in Sovereign Bones: New Native American Writing (Nation Books) and Letters from Young Activists (Nation Books). Her new works of poetry will soon appear in The Kenyon Review and an upcoming issue of Sentence, the premiere literary journal of the prose poem in 2009.

Now in its third year, Avant Garde’s Native Underground had been an important step in the careers of other emerging Native artists whose work continues to draw attention. Of the artists who participated in the 2006 event: Ira Lujan received a fellowship from the Southwestern Association of Indian Affairs and awards at Indian Market; Jolene Nenibah Yazzie is featured in the Comic Art Indigene exhibit currently at the Museum of Indian Arts and Culture; Hoke Skenadore’s work is currently featured at the Heard Museum in Phoenix; and Wayne Nez Gaussion was featured in the Young Jewelers: Forging a Future exhibit at the Heard Museum.

2007 Native Underground artists have also made their mark: Marla Allison received an award for innovation at Indian Market; Jared Chavez was featured in the Young Jewelers: Forging a Future exhibit at the Heard Museum; Dyani Reynolds Whitehawk’s work is now carried at Legends Gallery in Santa Fe; and April Holder has work in the Bare Nation exhibit in the sculpture garden at the Museum of Indian Arts and Culture. Avant Garde’s mission is to engage a younger audience in New Mexico’s museums in a fun and educational way. Avant Garde also promotes and supports young and emerging artists in New Mexico and beyond. Avant Garde is free to current Museum of New Mexico Foundation members, ages 21 to 45. Call 505-982-6366, ext. 100, or visit to join. For information about Native Underground, call Ann Scheflen at 505-982-6366, ext. 108, or visit For information about how to join the Museum of New Mexico Foundation,visit or call 505.982.6366, ext. 108.* * *

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

the fabulous life of los angeles

Last Saturday I went to the Palasades and drank a lot of really good wine from a wine cellar and bar-b-qued some delicious veggies. This was all following an afternoon in the sun sitting by a big pool/hot tub with a waterfall. As if that wasn't good enough I slept in a bed that I swear was bigger than a king size, no joke.
Tuesday I met Michel Gondry at a book signing. Daniel and I arrived late though and didn't get to see him speak. Neither of us really wanted to buy the 50 page pamphlet like book so I decided to "Swede" his book. If you didn't see 'be kind rewind' then you don't know what I'm talking about and it's too much to explain here right now in my slightly incoherent ramble about "livin' the life." Basically I made a book with an illustrated story of how we wanted to meet him but didn't get there early enough to see him speak. He was amazed when we got up to the table saying, in his tres adorable french accent, "They sveded my book! They sveded by book!" and then asked if I would sign it for him. That's right, I met Michel Gondry at a book signing for his new book and I signed a book and gave it to him! Woah.

He signed my post-it note and then we took the most awkward photo ever:
After that we headed to Hollywood and went to some bars with Emily-Rose, Josh Lee, and our new friend Erin.
On Thursday I went to a super ritzy restaurant Lola's (the kind you have to make reservations at) on Fairfax, most likely just filled with slightly famous people I've never heard of. Then we (my new friend Cassidy and I) went to an equally swanky bar made of marble and glass called the Crown Club, where I had the best dirty martini I've ever drank. This was followed by a series of cocktails the bartender, Richard, told me nothing about and were soon deemed the "Delicious." The DJ played Spoon twice in that night and I obviously danced harder than anyone else in the club.
Friday, after working on an awkward Disney show called "Sonny with a Chance" I went with Josh to the wrap party of Twilight, the teen vampire movie he's been working on that's supposedly gonna take off like Harry Potter with blood drawing fangs. I quickly charmed my way into the circle of film people deciding that I would do yoga with the sound designer/composer, who's amazingly huge Bel Air house we were at. He happens to be the guy who did sound for great films like The Thin Red Line and the Lion King. He gave me the most amazing little amulet that is a turtle on one side and a Buddha on the other.

Sunday night we all went to a comedy show at the Upright Citizen's Brigade hosted by Jeff Garlin from Curb Your Enthusiasm. Then we all went dancing to funk/soul at a little joint called Short Stop that used to be an old Police Headquarters (or something along those lines). Many beers later we closed down the place and at around 2:30 or 3am we bought cheese and jalapeno tamales out of the trunk of some guy's car.
Today I gave a tour of NBC (as per my work duties) and then worked at the Tonight Show (yes the one with Jay Leno) where I got to see Michelle Obama talk about Barak's romantic side. Chris Rock made a nod, in joke form, about the pages, which excited all of us to know that we've been noticed.
This week on the show I'll see Sarah Silverman, the Cold War Kids, the Kooks, and Deathcab for Cutie.

I heart LA.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Los Angeles I'm Yours or I'm an NBC Page

I moved to Los Angeles, got an amazing apartment, a vintage 1950's dinette set, and I love my job. More details to come, but for now read this article and blog post below about my kick ass (entry level) job:

Nbc: Harvard Less Selective Than NBC's Grueling Page Program

Thursday, September 18, 2008

this is truly amazing.

if only all people had so much compassion.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Eve Ensler on Sarah Palin

Eve Ensler
Print View

Eve Ensler, the American playwright,
performer, feminist and activist best known for "The Vagina Monologues", wrote the following about Sarah Palin. Drill, Drill, Drill I am having Sarah Palin nightmares. Idreamt last night that she was amember of a club where they rodesnowmobiles and wore the claws of drownedand starved polar bears around theirnecks. I have a particular thing forPolar Bears. Maybe it's their snowywhiteness or their bigness or the factthat they live in the arctic or that Ihave never seen one in person ortouched one. Maybe it is the fact thatthey live so comfortably on ice.Whatever it is, I need the polar bears. I don't like raging at women. I am aFeminist and have spent my lifetrying to build community, help empowerwomen and stop violence againstthem. It is hard to write about SarahPalin. This is why the Sarah Palinchoice was all the more insidious andcynical. The people who made thischoice count on the goodness andsolidarity of Feminists. But everything Sarah Palin believes inand practices is antithetical toFeminism which for me is part of one story-- connected to saving theearth, ending racism, empowering women,giving young girls options, openingour minds, deepening tolerance, and endingviolence and war. I believe that the McCain/Palin ticket isone of the most dangerouschoices of my lifetime, and should thiscountry chose those candidates thefall-out may be so great, the destructionso vast in so many areas thatAmerica may never recover. But what isequally disturbing is the impactthat duo would have on the rest of theworld. Unfortunately, this is not ajoke. In my lifetime I have seen theclownish, the inept, the bizarre beelected to the presidency with regularity. Sarah Palin does not believe inevolution. I take this as a metaphor. Inher world and the world of Fundamentalistsnothing changes or gets betteror evolves. She does not believe in globalwarming. The melting of thearctic, the storms that are destroying ourcities, the pollution and riseof cancers, are all part of God'splan. She is fighting to take the polarbears off the endangered species list. Theearth, in Palin's view, is hereto be taken and plundered. The wolves andthe bears are here to be shot andplundered. The oil is here to be taken andplundered. Iraq is here to betaken and plundered. As she said herselfof the Iraqi war, "It was a task from God." Sarah Palin does not believe in abortion.She does not believe women whoare raped and incested and ripped openagainst their will should have aright to determine whether they have theirrapist's baby or not. She obviously does not believe in sexeducation or birth control. Iimagine her daughter was practicingabstinence and we know how many babiesthat makes. Sarah Palin does not much believe inthinking. From what I gather she hastried to ban books from the library, has atendency to dispense with peoplewho think independently. She cannottolerate an environment of ambiguityand difference. This is a woman who couldand might very well be the nextpresident of the United States. She wouldgovern one of the most diversepopulations on the earth. Sarah believes in guns. She has her owncustom Austrian hunting rifle. Shehas been known to kill 40 caribou at aclip. She has shot hundreds of wolves from the air. Sarah believes in God. That is of courseher right, her private right. Butwhen God and Guns come together in thepublic sector, when war is declaredin God's name, when the rights ofwomen are denied in his name, that is theend of separation of church and state andthe undoing of everything Americahas ever tried to be. I write to my sisters. I write because Ibelieve we hold this election inour hands. This vote is a vote that willdetermine the future not just ofthe U.S., but of the planet. It willdetermine whether we create policiesto save the earth or make it foreveruninhabitable for humans. It willdetermine whether we move towards dialogueand diplomacy in the world orwhether we escalate violence throughinvasion, undermining and attack. Itwill determine whether we go for oil,strip mining, coal burning or investour money in alternatives that will freeus from dependency anddestruction. It will determine if moneygets spent on education andhealthcare or whether we build more andmore methods of killing. It willdetermine whether America is a free opentolerant society or a closed placeof fear, fundamentalism and aggression. If the Polar Bears don't move you togo and do everything in your power toget Obama elected then consider the chantthat filled the hall after Palinspoke at the RNC, "Drill DrillDrill." I think of teeth when I think ofdrills. I think of rape. I think ofdestruction. I think of domination. Ithink of military exercises that forcemindless repetition, emptying thebrain of analysis, doubt, ambiguity ordissent. I think of pain. Do we want a future of drilling? Moreholes in the ozone, in the floor ofthe sea, more holes in our thinking, inthe trust between nations andpeoples, more holes in the fabric of thisprecious thing we call life? Eve EnslerSeptember 5, 2008

Friday, September 5, 2008

Indian Market Awards

Santa Fe, NM


Recognizing the finest and excellence in Native Arts

(SANTA FE, NM) – The Southwestern Association for Indian Arts (SWAIA) is proud to announce the Best of Classification and Best of Show Awards. Tonight we celebrate and recognize the pinnacle of Native arts in all the major juried categories. The 2008 awards are as follows:
Best of show: Sheldon Harvey, Painting
Best of Classification
I. Jewelry: Rebecca Begay
II. Pottery: Linda Tafoya-Sanchez
III. Painting: Sheldon Harvey *
IV. Wooden Pueblo Carving: Robert Albert
V. Sculpture: Sheldon Harvey
VI. Textiles & Basketry: Mona Laughing
VII. Diverse Arts: Jamie Okuma
VIII. Quillwork & Beadwork: Juanita Growing Thunder
IX. Youth: Trent Lee

2008 Special Awards
Adult Smile Award: Ryan Singer
Youth Smile Award: Tulane John
Eric & Barbara Dobkin Award for Innovation: Marla Allison
Institute of American Indian Arts: Peterson Yazzie
Sidney & Ruth Schultz Award for Miniatures: Rebecca Begay
Andrew Smith/Andrew Smith Gallery Award for Photography: Eve-Lauryn Little Shell LaFountain; First Place, Second Place, and Best of Division
Jean Seth Award for Traditional Basketry: Griselda Saufkie
(also 2008 lifetime achievement award recipient)
Jean Seth Award for Traditional Painting: John I. King
Indian Arts Fund, Excellence in Traditional Arts: Joseph Lugo Youngblood

For interviews, images or additional information, please contact John Paul Rangel at (505) 983-5220 or

"Records of My People" 30"x40" Inkjet print on 9 sheets of antique ledger book paper from a 35mm negative
Awards: Special Andrew Smith Photography Award, First Place: Digital, Best of Division: Photography
"The Ghost Dance" 20"x24" Pigment Inkjet Print on Cottonrag Paper from 16mm film shot on a handmade motion picture camera
Award: Second Place: Digital

Not too shabby Little Shell.

my current art show

Music and Art at Tesuque Village Market

You are invited to get your groove on with live music from D-Numbers,Friday September 5, Tesuque Village Market.Opening set begins at 9:30 PM.

D-Numbers is a local and very cool band with Ben Wright on the guitar,beats,loops, and synth.Brian Mayhall on bass,fender,rhodes,and loops.Paul "Feathericci"Groetzinger on drums and samples.

Artwork By:
Eve Lafountain
April Holder
Hoka Skenandor

Friday, August 1, 2008

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Dear Facebook,

Due to certain circumstances, I have been taking a break from facebook. I know that I've gotten messages and wall things and all that jazz and, while I do appreciate these things, I haven't checked them in a while. I'll return some time, but for now it's better for me not to be on it. If you want to get in touch with me, call, email, write a letter, write a blog thing, whatever.
Thanks friends.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

this is amazing

Created at the IAIA Summer Film Workshop last year. word to my peeps.

watch this, we'll put your comment in a movie! also it's super funny

Courtesy of Miss Stephanie Painter, a scene from her upcoming movie The Hand Drum part of the IAIA Disney | ABC Summer Film Workshop. We're trying to get a lot of views and comments so we can get a screenshot and make Sherwin a youtube star. Help out, repost, etc.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

short movie

Our first day of the film program they gave us point and shoot digital cameras and told us to make a 2 minute movie in one's what I did:

ghosts and cowgirls, she and him


Tuesday, July 8, 2008

what i'm doing with my summer

I finished my shoot today. The shortest yet at 11.5 hours. I never want to work with child actors again.

Here's our press release:

News Release
For Immediate Distribution
June 30, 2008

Contact: Marcella Ernest
Summer TV and Film Workshop Coordinator
505.424.5796 (ph)
505.424.3030 (fax)

IAIA and Disney/ABC Summer Television and
Film Workshop Screening July 25th
Celebratory Dinner and Presentation Offered to Public Free of Charge

Santa Fe, NM –The public is invited to attend a special screening for the Institute of American Indian Arts and Disney/ABC Summer Television and Film Workshop on July 25, 2008 beginning at 6 p.m. The event is a culmination of six weeks of hard work by fifteen Native American students from across the country. A complementary dinner with Native cuisine will be offered, followed by a first-time viewing of several original films. Disney/ABC executives will be on hand to discuss the unique partnership between organizations and students will attend to discuss their work. The dinner and screening will take place at the Library and Technology Center on the Institute of American Indian Arts Campus, 83 Avan Nu Po Road, Santa Fe, NM. The event is free of charge and everyone is welcome.

Now in its fifth year, the Institute of American Indian Arts and Disney/ABC Summer Television and Film Workshop is a unique program offered to American Indians who are interested in the film industry. Its goal is to target students who are passionate about writing and/or producing television and film and who are considering careers in Hollywood and beyond. Television executives assist with the design and implementation of projects, and academic credit is offered at the end of the course. This year, the workshop focused on two tracks, a writer’s workshop and a production workshop.

J. Carlos Peinado (Hidatsa/Mandan), Chair of the New Media Arts Department says, “Entering the fifth year of our Disney/ABC Television and Film Workshop we are pleased to have established long term opportunities for our students in both the writing and production tracks of this course. This year promises some of our best work yet as we shift the emphasis towards a more streamlined approach to the underlying fundamentals and skills associated with quality production.”

For more details about this event please call Marcella Ernest at 505.424.5796 or email


IAIA Mission:
To empower creativity and leadership in Native arts and cultures
through higher education, lifelong learning and outreach

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Talking Stick Film Festival

The first annual Talking Stick Film Festival just ended and it was so amazing! Go Carin for making this all possible and I'm totally entering whatever comes out of this IAIA summer program into next years festival. These are a few (trailers) of the incredible films I saw:

Older than America by Georgina Lightning

Imprint by Michael Linn

Turquoise Rose by Holt Hamliton

Sikumi by Andrew Okpeaha MacLean

I saw a lot more and they were all pretty awesome. It was just really inspiring to be around all those Native filmmakers who are paving the way for all us upcoming Native filmmakers. I tip my hat to everyone who can do it.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Dude Vision

Here's a short (30 min) movie I saw tonight at the Talking Stick Film Festival
It's totally funny.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Where you been Little Shell?

1) My Div 3 show was AMAZING! Everyone loved it, professors and friends and family were all raving and excited to see where it goes! My birthday party/closing reception was totally awesome also. It began as a stressful day, but the evening of magic and love made up for it. Thank you everyone who came, wrote in my book, supported me and the other two brilliant artists I got to show really made it all worth while. I finally got a chance to read through my guest-book and it was extremely touching to read all those encouragements. Thanks again to everyone who helped me pull it off. (For some reason the interweb, in all it's communicational glory, isn't letting me post pictures, but don't worry, I will post them soon!)

It's been a long time since I updated. Suffice it to say that, aside from my fabulous senior show, amazing final meeting with my faculty committee, bbqs, friends, and family visiting, I graduated from college, moved away from New England via a quick road trip to Austin in 3 days, dropped Trey off at his new city and apartment (Austin), spent a week there, drove to Santa Fe and started the Summer Film Workshop at the Institute of American Indian Arts (IAIA). whew! That's all why I haven't updated my inter-web life in a while.
At the summer workshop I'll be learning the more conventional way of making movies. So far we've been doing technical workshops, learning the Panasonic DVX100B, the Advanta-Jib, dollies, etc. as well as picking screenplays to make into movies by the end of the 6 weeks. We'll each (7 people in the program) be directing our own shorts and working on each other's crews. We already did some photo assignments and made a 2 minute video (which I'll post on here soon). All that already and it this is only the 4th day! So stay tuned back in because I'll start updating pretty regularly again.

Thanks a million times over to everyone who loves me. I was so sad to leave Hampshire and Massachusetts when it really came down to it, but I know we'll all do great things in the world beyond. Please keep in touch. I love you.

Thursday, May 8, 2008


"It's Never Too Late to be a Cowgirl" is up and running in the Hampshire College main gallery in the Harold Johnson Library. It'll be up all day today and tomorrow. The closing reception is 7-9pm tomorrow (Friday May 9th), which is my birthday. If you're in the area and can make it to the show please come and check it out!
Thanks to everyone who helped and supported me. If you're here in spirit keep checking here at my blog to see documentation of the show and event.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

I officially passed Division III

I was passed by my committee online today! Don't get too excited though because I'm not done yet, but now I'm definitely going to graduate!

Here's a sneak peak of a multi-media image:

You'll just have to come to the show to see what it really looks like.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Sunday, April 13, 2008

TRAILER!!! (and Virb)

Although it's a little unorthodox to make a trailer for an installation, I did it anyway and here it is:

On that note, this video is hosted by, which I am now a member of. If you're on virb, which you should be, then friend me.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

billy the kid's grave

Tonight I noticed that Billy the Kid's grave says "truth and history" on it, do I even need to explain the irony in this? No, but I will say that it's my thesis statement.

madrid, nm

Friday, March 28, 2008

pretty cool

I'm in the process of applying for the Institute of American Indian Arts Summer Film and Television Program and have found some pretty interesting things along the way. One thing of interest is this website that hosts a group of blogs/news about Native media and artists called NativeVue. There's a lot of exciting things going on out there! I just hope that I can be a part of it soon.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Sunday, February 17, 2008


ok so i got a flickr account. we'll see how i feel about it.

Friday, February 15, 2008

eastern new mexico, summer 2007

V Day

Jane Fonda went on the Today show on NBC to talk about the Vagina Monologues. She said the name of one of these monologues, meant to debunk the fear, stigmatism, and taboo of the vagina, and the network flipped. They made a formal apology because Jane Fonda said "Cunt" and dirty, filthy, unfit for television word. How dare she! But seriously though, the whole point of the Vagina Monologues is that people think that vaginas are dirty and you cannot speak about them in public. On the other hand, saying words like "cock" is totally ok on TV. I am personally outraged, this is why there needs to be the Vagina Monologues in the first place. If you're too scared to talk about vaginas on TV, too nervous that those women who "speak frankly" in these monologues are going to speak frankly in public, then maybe you haven't read about the Vagina Monologues mission statement before you invited them onto your show.

here's the article

here's the video:

sorry Meredith, you offended me.

here's a stupid person who just doesn't get it

Friday, February 1, 2008

Dust in the Wind "Dusty" LaFountain 11.19.1993-1.30.2008

After 15 years of beautiful life, my little Dusty has earned his angel wings protecting the family he loves.
On Tuesday night my mom let him and Luna (the cat) out and told Dusty to protect Luna. Just seconds later she heard noises and saw an animal run by the window. Luna got inside, hair up, totally freaked out. Dusty ran the animal away from the house, but soon his barking stopped. My mom and the neighbor went out and followed the trail and found Dusty as his little head perked up at the sound of her voice. My mom wrapped him in a towel and brought him to the emergency Vet. He had been bitten by the animal (most likely a Bob Cat), and it punctured his esophagus and crushed his adam's apple. They tried to help him for hours, but told my mom he might not make it through surgery and they probably wouldn't be able to fix his wounds.
She made the hard decision to let him die as a hero. My dad said it was like Legends of the Fall, because Dusty was attacked and injured when he was young and survived. Later, as an old man he went out one last time and the beast got the better of him. He was such a wonderful little man, lived through so much, and was with me most of my life. I will never forget him and never stop loving him. Our little hero.

Dusty Days: Photomontages by MarLyn LaFountain

Dusty, India and me as puppies

Leaving for a Rio Grande Elementary field trip, Brush Ranch Summer Camp, and finally Hampshire College

In the spring of 1999 Luna came into our lives

The holidays

Dusty and Luna waiting for me to come home

Thursday, January 24, 2008

negatives are back!

my negatives were found my tracey, who i am totally indebted to now, in a random locker sans binder in the photo building. it's a total mystery how my negatives ended up in a top locker that i couldn't even reach without the binder they were in but oh well, i'm just thankful that whoever took my binder dumped my negatives first.
I have them back, now i should go work on them.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008


I seem to have accidently misplaced my photo binder with all my black and white negatives in it! i normally keep it in my locker in the photo building but last night, when i went to get it to do some prints it wasn't there! Please keep an eye out for it, it's super important since it's my div 3. it's a black plastic clamshell binder. my name's not on it but my photos are 35mm and 645 medium format with contact sheets labeled "bonanza creek ranch", "eave's ranch", "lamy", etc. They're photos of western looking towns and scenery. please tell me if you find it!