It's been a while. I've been bustling about the Echo Park Film Center, and keeping very up to date with that blog while slightly ignoring my own. I plan to update more often in the near future. Stories, photos, maybe even films. There's inspiration stirring in the air.
This morning I hopped on the EPFC Filmmobile for my first class. We went to Venice YouthBuild and taught seven students, including their teacher, how to edit the video they shot all week. They'll be finishing up those projects tomorrow. It really is an amazing thing that we have going on here. The bus is beautiful, runs on recycled vegetable oil, and goes all over teaching people how to make films and showing great films too. Waking up to the early Los Angeles sunlight and heading out to teach video making is quite unlike any other experience. The directors envision a whole brigade of buses and I'm completely into the idea. We can start a veg powered filmmobile revolution!
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